Why A/B Test: Apps & Games at Different App’s Lifecycle Stages

This is the first episode of “The Strategic Part of A/B Testing.” In this video, we explain why mobile app marketers should A/B test overall, and cover the A/B testing application cases specific to games versus apps. Moreover, we’ll break down the use cases of A/B testing at each stage of the  app’s lifecycle – pre-launch, launch and post-launch. 

Watch the video to learn about: 

  • Different approaches of games and apps to A/B testing the audience and the messaging;
  • How apps and games A/B test features and gameplay;
  • Seasonality tests and brand awareness;
  • A/B testing on pre-launch: concepts, features, positioning, audience and ad channels testing;  
  • The order of A/B testing at the launch stage of the app’s lifecycle;
  • Localization and rebranding with A.B testing, and more.
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